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Sermon - The Transfiguration

The Rev. Frank St. Amour, III

In the Name... A busy minister began his sermon one week by apologizing that he had not had time to prepare a written text. "I shall rely today," he said, "upon the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. But next week I’ll do better." The purpose of preaching is to interpret divine things in human terms, to bring, as it were, God down to earth, but today's Gospel, with the scene of Jesus transfigured upon the mountaintop, seems to pull us in the opposite direction. Man brought up to the level of God. Matthew, Mark, and Luke all record this incident when Jesus took Peter, James, and John up Mt. Tabor and there appeared in radiance, chatting with two of the greatest figures in Israel's history - Moses the lawgiver and Elijah the prophet. Two men who had enjoyed close - almost intimate - relationships with God. In Moses' case, Scripture records that, after he had been up Mt. Sinai, his face glowed so brightly it had to be covered, while Elijah was assumed into Heaven by chariots of fire. And, if that wasn't enough, there was the voice booming from the fog which surrounded them, saying, about Jesus, "This is my Son." Peter is often ridiculed for his reaction to the situation - proposing to set up tents, shelters, for Moses, Elijah, and Jesus to rest in. And that does come across as a bit dull. Perhaps, though, I should think of it as Peter's way of reacting to an encounter with the holy. For some people, an encounter with the holy takes the form of a mystical experience while in prayer or meditation – a vision seen or a voice heard, or perhaps it's an intoxicating elation, an increased sense of God's presence during something like a praise concert or a retreat. We tend to call those “mountaintop experiences.” Mountaintops aside, however, I think most of us encounter the holy more often than we might imagine in much more ordinary ways. Any time we have an experience that gives us renewed hope, that's an encounter with the holy, because God is perfect hope. Any time we have an experience where we feel total and unreserved love that's an encounter with the holy, because God is perfect love. Any time we have an experience where we feel full of peace, that's an encounter with the holy, because God is perfect peace. Scripture reminds us that we, in our souls and bodies, are the temple of the Holy Spirit, and that we're to make ourselves a fit dwelling place in which the holy can reside. In some small way, Peter understood that - that the holy needed a place to dwell. But he was a simple fisherman, his theological interpretive abilities were limited, and so the best that he could come up with was tents. But that's why I applaud him, because he seems to recognize the significance of that moment and was not afraid to respond, however imperfectly. We need to be careful, though, about our own response. There is always a danger that we can become so caught up in savouring a wonderful holy experience that we become, in the words of a proverb, so heavenly minded we're no earthly use. And it's tempting. It's tempting to forget that the purpose of the experience was not just to make us feel better. That why it's important to keep on reading past today’s excerpt. Did the disciples stay up on that mountain and meditate about what had just happened? Did they talk about how fortunate they'd been to have witnessed such an important event? What did they do? It says they did what Jesus did. They went back down the mountain. In fact, the first thing that happens when they come down is that they are confronted by a distraught family bringing a sick child for healing. Far from isolating themselves from the world, they immerse themselves in it, its pain and brokenness, its questions and concerns, its needs and struggles. No rest for the pumped up, there's work to do. You see, the most appropriate response to an encounter with the holy is not to draw away from the world, but to allow yourself to be all the more drawn into the world. God is always looking to use any means available to reach out to His people. And, as often as not, God chooses to use you and me. God responds to the needs of the world through us who have encountered Him. And that may be the real meaning of the Transfiguration event. Not that Jesus was changed, but that we are changed, for, as we join in God's work, we are changed more and more into the image and likeness of Christ. A priest I know was leading a Bible study on Malachi and one of the members of the class was struck by the image of where it says that God refines us like silver. She wasn’t sure what that meant so she went and found a silversmith and, without revealing why she was interested, asked about what he did. The artist explained it and showed her how it was very labour-intensive and time-consuming. Then, the lady asked, but how did the artist know when the silver was fully refined. “Oh,” he said, “that’s the easy part. When I can see my reflection in it.” So, at the Transfiguration, God affirmed Jesus' identity, "This is my Son", but more than that he affirmed our own identity, because we are called the brothers and sisters of Christ. We are called God's children. And so, we are also called to be transfigured so that God may see his reflection in us. In the Name...

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