We have been studying The Book of Acts for several weeks and have covered:
How the Gospel was spread
How God showed his love to ALL people
When the Holy Ghost was revealed to specific believers
What people did when they heard and believed the Good News
What resistance the existing power placed on believers of “the WAY”
Looking at the emotions/fears/joys/actions of new converts
Class members are sharing their understanding of the scriptures, identifying areas that are not clear to them, and actively participating in making the WORD have meaning in our lives today. Learning about each other’s lives has been a positive outcome of the class.
Summertime is full of vacations, family gatherings, etc. Even with all these distractions, class attendance has been great. Missing one week does not impact the messages that are presented in Acts. We would love to have new members join us for one hour on Wednesday mornings.
Here is what attendees have to say about the class:
“An occasion to interact with the Bible and other believers.”
“This class helps me learn God’s word and then carry it with me thru the next week.”
“Bennie’s way of tying our past experiences to the chapter for each week has been very rewarding.”
“Bennie is a wonderful teacher.”
“In addition to learning more about ACTS, we are also learning about each other. And missing a week (or two) is OK!”
“Love spending time with these people―sharing ideas and lives.”
“Enjoy hearing other peoples’ perspectives and experiences. Never miss a class unless no other way around my schedule.”
On October 12th and 19th, Fr. Frank will be leading the Bible Study. All are encouraged to come. We hope to see many new faces!