From the Interim Rector
Dear friends at St. Paul’s,
I am very pleased to be able to continue in ministry with you for the next year as Interim Rector. I think you all know that I have enjoyed my time with you these last few months, and look forward to an exciting year as you prepare to call your new rector.
In addition to leading worship, scripture study and pastoral care, I will be working with the vestry and the parish to help you envision your future ministry and mission as you take the necessary and important step in finding and calling a permanent rector. You have abundant human and material resources here at St. Paul’s, and it will be an exciting adventure as we discover ways in which these resources can more richly be used in the service of our Lord.
This is an important time in the life of St. Paul’s and the Diocese of Easton, and I am blessed to be with you, sharing together as we see more clearly God’s call for us. You will be hearing more soon as I move into my new role with you all.
Fr. Sam