Sermon - 3 Lent
In the Name... A priest was walking down a quiet city street one night when a robber jumped out and pulled a gun on him. "I've only got...
Sermon - 3 Lent
Sermon - 2 Lent
Sermon - 1 Lent
Sermon - Last Sunday after Epiphany
Sermon - 4 Epiphany
Sermon - 3 Epiphany
Sermon - Baptism of Our Lord
Sermon - Holy Family
Sermon - 4 Advent
Sermon - 3 Advent
Sermon - 1 Advent
Sermon - 2 Advent
Sermon - Christ-the-King
Sermon - 24 Pentecost
Sermon - 23 Pentecost
Sermon - All Saints' Sunday
Sermon - 21 Pentecost
Sermon - 20 Pentecost
Sermon - 19 Pentecost
Sermon - 18 Pentecost